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Rating (Google Scholar)
h-index: 8; i10-index: 6
Citations: 337 (Google Scholar)
Publications (N=16)
1.  Villmaore, B., Klein, D., Liénard, P., & McHale, T. S. 2024. Evolutionary origins of temporal discounting: Modeling how time and uncertainty constrain optimal decision-making strategies across taxa. PLOS ONE, 19(11), 

2. Hodges-Simeon, C. R., Albert, G., 
McHale, T.S., Gaulin, S. J., Gurven, M., Landry, N., Hlay, J. K., Merullo, N., Puts, D. A., & Arnocky, S. A., 2024. Masculine voice is associated with better mucosal immune defense in adolescent and adult males. Evolution and Human Behavior, 106590.
3. Albert, G., Richardson, G. B., Arnocky, S., Bird, B., Fisher, M., Hlay, J., McHale, T. S., & Hodges-Simeon, C. R. 2022. Psychometric Evaluation of the Intrasexual Competition Scale. Archives of Sexual Behavior

4. Hodges-Simeon, C. R., Richardson, G. B., Albert, G.,
McHale, T. S., Weinberg, S., Gurven, M., & Gaulin, S. 2021. Was facial width-to-height ratio a product of sexual selection? A life course approach. PLOS ONE, 16(3): e0240284.

5. McHale, T. S., Gray, P. B., Hodges-Simeon, C. R., Zava, D. T., Albert, G., Chan, K., & Chee, W. 2020. Juvenile children’s salivary aldosterone and cortisone decrease during informal math and table-tennis competitions. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 6(4), 413-435.
6. McHale, T. S., Chee, W., Hodges-Simeon, C. R., Zava, D. T., Albert, G., Chan, K., & Gray, P. B. 2020. Salivary aldosterone and cortisone respond differently to high- and low-psychologically stressful soccer competitions. Sports Sciences, 38(23), 2688-2697.
7. Hodges-Simeon, C. R., Grail, G., Albert, G., Landry, N., Ortiz, T. L., Carré, J. M., McHale, T. S., & Arnocky, S. A. 2020. Testosterone, cortisol, and secretory immunoglobulin-A within a single day and across two sequential days among trans- and cis-gender men. Steroids, 160, 108640.
8. Gray, P.B., Straftis, A., Bird, B., McHale, T. S., & S. Zilioli. 2019. Human reproductive behavior, life history, and the Challenge Hypothesis: A 30-year review, retrospective and future directions. Hormones and Behavior, 123, 104530.
9. McHale, T. S., Gray, P. B., Chan, K., Zava, D. T., & Chee, W. 2018. Salivary steroid hormone responses to dyadic table tennis competitions among Hong Kongese juvenile boys.. American Journal of Human Biology, e23190.
10. McHale, T. S., Chee, W., Chan, K., Zava, D. T., & Gray, P. B. 2018. Coalitional physical competition: acute salivary steroid hormone responses among juvenile male soccer players in Hong Kong. Human Nature, 29(3), 245-267.
11. McHale, T. S., Gray, P. B., Chan, K., Zava, D. T., & Chee, W. 2018. Acute salivary steroid hormone responses in juvenile boys and girls to non-physical team competition. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 4(3), 223-247.
12. Gray, P. B., Vuong, J., Zava, D., & McHale, T. S. 2018. Testing men’s hormone responses to playing League of Legends: No change in testosterone, cortisol, DHEA or androstenedione but a decrease in aldosterone. Computers in Human Behavior, 83, 230-234.
13. Gray, P. B., McHale, T. S., & Carré, J. M. 2017. A review of human male field studies of hormones and behavioral reproductive effort. Hormones and Behavior, 91, 52-67.
14. McHale, T. S., Zava, D. T., Hales, D., & Gray, P. B. 2016. Physical competition increases dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione rather than testosterone among juvenile boy soccer players. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2(1), 44-56.

15. Gray, P. B., & McHale, T. S. 2015. Making a New Male Studies Class: Lessons Learned from Developing and Teaching an Online Male Studies Survey Course. New Male Studies, 3(3). 

Encyclopedia Publications:
16. McHale, T. S., & Gray, P. B. 2015. Anatomy, Male. In P. Whelehan & A. Bolin (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, 75-78. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
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